We’re thrilled to introduce SyllaSense DECK-odables! Our Yellow DECK-odable set includes 150 cards that provide systematic practice of the concepts introduced in our Yellow Series. These engaging cards can be used for decoding practice, oral language discussions, games, and much more.
As the Yellow DECK-odables progress, the following concepts are introduced:
all short vowels and all single consonants
consonant digraphs <th>/TH/ voiced (in “the”), <ck>, <ff>, <ss> and <zz>
some common orthographic patterns such as when to use <ck>
suffix <-s> as third person singular verb present tense, and as plural
High Frequency Words: "a", "and", “the”, and “to"
Free, downloadable Teacher Tip Sheets are now available in our "Resources" section.

Each 5 x 7 card consists of a picture and a decodable word, phrase, or sentence. On the back of each card is a breakdown of the concepts included in the text. We have sequenced the cards according to SyllaSense’s scope and sequence, but have left a blank space at the top left of each card to allow educators to resequence the set according to their own order of instruction.