Green Series
The Green Series follows the Yellow Series, and is comprised of two sets – Fiction Stories and Photo Stories, each with 10 titles. The Green Series starts with all short vowel sounds, all single consonants, several common consonant digraphs, and high frequency words “the”, “a”, and “to”. As the series progresses, the following concepts are introduced:
- additional digraphs <ch>, <sh> and trigraphs <-tch> and <-dge>
- initial and final consonant clusters, first with continuous sounds, then with stop stounds
- orthographic conventions such as the doubling rule and when to use <-tch> and <-dge>
- <wa>(<a> as /ŏ/ after <w>) and <al>(<a> as /ŏ/ when followed by <l>)
- suffixes <-ed> and <-ing>
- concept of "schwa" in unstressed syllable
- High Frequency Words: "of", "was", "said" and “they”

Green Fiction
Books 1-10 of the Fiction Stories are painted with vivid colours and the stories revolve around animals and young characters. The text is large and clear with extra space to help young readers see the distinction between each word.

Green Photo
Books 1-10 of the Photo Stories are created with real photographs. The stories have more of a narrative structure, describing what the characters are doing and experiencing. The Photo Stories start at a slightly higher level than the Fiction Stories. On our Scope and Sequence, you will see that Book 1 of the Photo Stories aligns with Book 4 of the Fiction Stories.
Digital Samples
Click the "Digital Sample" links below to see two digital samples from our Yellow Series.
If you would like a selection of hard samples for the purpose of reviewing the quality and feel of the books, please visit our online store and view our Sample Pack. These packs contain one random title from each of our 7 series, and are a $36.75 CAD value. Samples Packs cost $5.00 CAD/$4.00 USD, plus shipping.
To purchase a sample pack, please click here.
If you are unable to order samples through an online sales channel, please reach out to

Scope and Sequence
We have created 2 versions of our Scope and Sequence - all include the same content, but are in different printable formats. Please feel free to download whichever version best suits your needs.