Fishing - Tip Sheet

Cover page for the book titled "Fishing" showing two young boys holding fishing rods on a dock at sunset


Fishing - Teacher Tip Sheet

Blue Series - Book 2 - Fishing

Grapheme/Phoneme Correspondence

Tips and Activities to Try

Introduced in This Book

  • <y>/ī/ in stressed open syllables (e.g., “by”, “my”)

Previously Introduced


  • all short vowel, <u>/o͝͝o/
  • <o>/ō/, <e>/ē/


  • all single consonants and clusters
  • <ng>/ng/, <nk>/nk/
  • <s> /s/ and /z/


  • <th>/TH/ voiced, <th>/th/ unvoiced, <ck>/k/, <ff>/f/, <zz>/z/, <ss>/s/, <ll>/l/, <sh>/sh/, <ch>/ch/, <qu>/kw/, <-tch>/ch/, <-dge>/j/

Additional Concepts

  • <al> (<a> as short /ŏ/ before <l>)
  • <wa> (<a> as short /ŏ/ after <w>)

Key Concepts to Understand

  • complete English words do not end in <i>
  • a <y>, as a vowel, often represents /ī/ when in final position in single syllable words (or in a stressed syllable)

Refer to Page 5 in the Grapheme/Phoneme Background Information Sheets


Words and Phrases for Reading and Writing

Here is a list of words that can be used for phonemic awareness activities, reading, dictation, games cards, etc.:

  • sly, fly, cry, spry, dry, fry, try, sky, spy, shy

Co-author cloze sentences:

  1. write focus words (e.g., sly, fly) on board
  2. teacher creates sentences (e.g., “The _____ is full of clouds.”) → increase complexity as needed
  3. all students point to the word that fits (e.g., sky)
  4. one student identifies the target word on the board (e.g., sky)
  5. student spells out word - one tap (finger/arm) per grapheme → <s><k><y>)
  6. rest of class echoes the “spelling out”

Here are phrases that can be used for reading and/or dictation practice. These phrases can be combined to create sentences. A good opportunity arises to address syntax if the resulting sentence is not grammatically correct (e.g., Your ducklings was flying. → Your ducklings were flying.)

Noun Phrase

Verb Phrase

Prepositional Phrase

the quick fox

was flying

on top of the wall

your ducklings


by the hedge

the witch and her wand

was spying

off the bridge

Walt and my pal Madge

pulled them

on the ledge


You can differentiate for your students by dropping some of the words in these phases (e.g., “Walt and my pal Madge” can just be “my pal”).


Tips and Activities to Try

Previously Introduced

  • suffix <-s> third person singular, plural, and possessive
  • suffix <-ing> as present participle
  • suffix <-ed> as past tense of a verb

Key Concepts to Understand

  • Note: It is important to ask students to cover the suffix with their finger in order to focus on the base when consonant clusters are in final position and have an attached suffix. When reading drifting, ask students to cover the <-ing> and read drift, ask them to release their finger and reread the entire word with the <-ing>, drifting.

High Frequency Words

Tips and Activities to Try

  • ”your”

Key Concepts to Understand

  • your is best taught alongside you, our(s) → these words are connected in meaning and spelling
  • you → refers to the person/people the speaker is addressing
  • your → belonging to/associated with the person/people the speaker is addressing
  • our → belonging to/associated with the speaker and one or more other people
  • these words are connected with <ou>
  • pronunciation of the <ou> is not consistent within these three words
  • spelling prioritises meaning over phonics

Refer to Page 2 in Grapheme/Phoneme Correspondence Background Information Sheets

Comprehension Corner - Fishing

Vocabulary Development

  • What are the different ways that fish were caught in this book? 

Making Connections

  • Which way would you want to catch a fish?
  • What would you do with the fish if you caught one?


  • Do you think all fish get fooled by the bait?


  • Retell this story. What was the most interesting way to fish?


Tip Sheet written by Shari Kudsia and Helen Maclean - April 2023 - ©SyllaSense Inc.