Fun in the Mud - Tip Sheet

an image of the cover of a book titled "Fun in the Mud" showing a young child running through a mud puddle- IT IS ESSENTIAL TO PRE-TEACH THE CONCEPTS INTRODUCED IN EACH BOOK PRIOR TO READING! -

Fun in the Mud! - Teacher Tip Sheet

Yellow Series - Book 8 - Fun in the Mud!

Grapheme/Phoneme Correspondence

Tips and Activities to Try

Introduced in This Book

  • <w>/w/, <j>/j/
  • consonant digraphs <zz>/z/, <ss>/s/, and <ll>/l/

Previously Introduced


  • all short vowels


  • <c>/k/, <g>/g/, <s>/s/ and /z/, <d>/d/, <h>/h/, <m>/m/, <n>/n/, <p>/p/, <t>/t/, <b>/b/, <f>/f/, <r>/r/, <l>/l/, <z>/z/, <x>/ks/, <v>/v/, <k>/k/


  • <th>/TH/ voiced (only in the), <ck>/k/, <ff>/f/

Additional Concepts

  • final consonant cluster <nd> (only in and)

Key Concepts to Understand

  • the phoneme represented by <w> can be hard to pronounce in isolation (e.g., without a schwa “w-uh”) - ask students to get their mouth in the /w/ position, and then blend straight into the word (e.g., /w/, /e/, /t/ NOT /w-uh/, /e/, /t/)

Words and Phrases for Reading and Writing

Here is a list of words that can be used for phonemic awareness activities, reading, dictation, games cards, etc.:

  • wet, win, wit, well, wag, web, wig, will, jet, jazz, jam, jiff, jig, jug, jog, jab, job, mess, less, hiss, bill, pill, doll, sill, off, huff, buff, puff, buzz, fuzz

Here is a word chain you could complete with blending cards:

  • wet → wit → win → will → well → bell → tell → ten → tin → tiff → jiff → jig → jug → jog → job → jab → jazz → razz → ran → pan → pass

Here are phrases that can be used for reading and/or dictation practice. These phrases can be combined to create sentences. A good opportunity arises to address syntax if the resulting sentence is not grammatically correct (e.g., Jazz and his doll jogs in the muck. Jazz and his doll jog in the muck. )

Noun Phrases

Verb Phrases

Prepositional Phrases

Jazz and his doll

will buzz

at the well

a big jet

will huff and puff

on the hill

a big mess

got the pass

to the jet

his red jug

jogs in the muck

off the big deck

Orthographic Conventions/Patterns and Generalisations

Tips and Activities to Try

  • BOMP (Buzz Off Miss Pill) (double <z>, <f>, <s> and <l> at the end of a base after single (short) vowel) 

Key Concepts to Understand

  • double the <z>, <f>, <s>, and <l> final to a base after a single short vowel (e.g., class, tell, buzz)
  • the acronym BOMP (Buzz Off Miss Pill) can help students remember this convention (some resources refer to this as the FLOSS convention

Activities to Try


Tips and Activities to Try

Previously Introduced

  • suffix <-s> third person singular
  • suffix <-s> as plural
  • note suffix <-s> as students encounter it and support where needed

High Frequency Words

Tips and Activities to Try

  • “to”

Key Concepts to Understand

  • to, two and too are homophones (words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings)
  • homophones usually have different spelling, which helps readers differentiate between the words
  • to is a function word, and as such, it has as few letters as possible (e.g., to has fewer letters than too and two)
  • the <o> is often pronounced as a schwa - say the sentence, “I am going to the store” to help demonstrate this
  • making connections to similar words such as do and who can help students remember the spelling of to

Comprehension Corner - Fun in the Mud

Vocabulary Development

  • What is a mess?

Making Connections

  • Do you like to play in the mud?
  • Have you ever jumped in a puddle? Was it fun?


  • Why do you think Cat had “less fun” in the mud?
  • Why do you think Cat is sad at the end?


  • Which page of this text was your favourite? Why?
  • Do you think “Fun in the Mud” is a good title for this book?Why or why not?


Tip Sheet written by Shari Kudsia and Helen Maclean - April 2023 - ©SyllaSense Inc.