Additional Resources

Pictureless Books
Please click the button below to access our terms and conditions, as well as our pictureless book folder.

Grapheme Deck
Click below to download our Grapheme Deck. The graphemes are organized in the same order as they are introduced in our scope and sequence.

Affix Cards
Click below to download a set of affix cards. The affixes are listed in the same order as introduced in our scope and sequence.

Blending Cards
Click below to download a set of blending cards that can be used for building word chains. The graphemes are introduced in SyllaSense Order, with single consonants, digraphs/trigraphs and vowels on separate pages to allow you to print each grapheme type on different coloured paper if you so choose.

Informal Assessment
Click below to access draft versions of our informal Grapheme/Phoneme Correspondence Assessment and our Low Frequency Word Assessment. These assessments are still in a draft form, and may be updated as educators provide feedback. As in any informal assessment, there is no standard evaluation criteria. Please feel free to reach out with feedback if you try these informal assessments with your students.

Game Boards
Click on the link below to access our game boards. We have printable versions, and digital/editable versions. Enjoy!